ION DISSONANCE: 'Minus The Herd' Artwork Revealed

March 15, 2007

Montreal-based quintet ION DISSONANCE has completed work on its third album, entitled "Minus the Herd". The follow-up to 2005's "Solace" was produced by Zeuss (SHADOWS FALL, HATEBREED) and will be released on June 5 through Abacus Recordings. You can catch an inside look at drummer JF Richard recording a drum track here. Paul Romano (MASTODON, TRIVIUM, CHIODOS) is doing the artwork and full layout for "Minus the Heard".

Singer Kevin McCaughey previously stated about the new CD: "This is by far some of the best stuff we have ever written. There are some changes in direction with this new release, but I definitely think the die hard ION followers will still be into the new stuff. I guess the only word to describe this new album would have to be brutal. Just straight and plain heaviness."

ION DISSONANCE will hit the road in the United States with ARSIS and BENEATH THE MASSACRE with a stop at the California Metal Fest. They will also be touring Europe with DEAD TO FALL and THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD in May.

For a list of upcoming shows, click here.

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